Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lesson 23: Belonging to an Organization

Key Expressions

in need
belong to
do voluntary medical services
sign me in


A:  Hey Janet.  Do you want to join us?
B:  Where?
A:  In our organization.  We are in need of people now.
B:  What kind of organization do you belong to?
A:  The Red Cross.  We do voluntary medical services to people in need.
B:  That’s cool.  Okay, sign me in then.

Pronunciation drills

Do you want…
Medical services

Substitution drills

A:  Hey Janet.  Do you want to join us?
B:  Where?
A:  In our organization.  We are ___________ of people now.
B:  What kind of organization do you ________?
A:  The Red Cross.  We _______________ to people in need.
B:  That’s cool.  Okay, _____me _____ then.

Today’s Homework

 Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, in need, belong to
do voluntary medical services, sign me in.

Example:  My dad’s company is in need of a new operations manager, are you interested to apply?

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