Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lesson 17. Being Unfortunate


 Key Expressions

never get the chance
I’m hopeless
Time will come
It takes time


A:  I think I’ll never get the chance to be rich and famous.
B:  Why do you think so?
A:  Look, I have no job, no money, and no education.
I’m hopeless.
B:  Don’t be.  Time will come when you’ll be able to have everything.
      Just be patient.  It takes time to be successful.
A:  You think so?
B:  Definitely.  Trust me.

Pronunciation drills

Rich and famous

Substitution drills

A:  I think I’ll _____________________ to be rich and famous.
B:  Why do you think so?
A:  Look, I have no job, no money, and no education.
B:  Don’t be.  ___________ when you’ll be able to have everything.
      Just be patient.  ____________ to be successful.
A:  You think so?
B:  Definitely.  Trust me.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, never get the chance, it takes time, I’m hopeless, Time will come.

Example:  It takes time to let a wound heal.

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