Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lesson 11: Watching TV


Key Expressions

What’s on
Re run
Scary picture
Creepy crawlies


A:  What’s on tonight?
B:  It’s a re-run of an old movie.
A:  What kind of movie is it?
B:  Oh, it’s a scary picture about some creepy crawlies.
A:  That sounds good.
B:  Yup, it’s really awesome!

Pronunciation drills

Scary picture

Substitution drills

__________ tonight?
It’s a __________ of an old movie.

It’s a scary picture about some __________.

It’s really ___________!

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, What’s on, awesome, Re run , Scary picture.

Example:  The rollercoaster ride was really awesome, you should try it!

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