Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lesson 12: At the Beach

Key Expressions

Hit the waves
State of the art
Sooner or later
Take it easy


A:  It’s a nice hot day.  I can’t wait to hit the waves. What about you?
B:  I’m going on a boat ride.  Will’s boat is state of the art.
A:  It’s a new boat, but I guess he has to sail it sooner or later.
B:  Yes, and I heard sailing in this sea could be pretty tricky.
A:  Well, be careful then…
B:  You too, take it easy!

Pronunciation drills

Boat ride
Sooner or later
Take it easy

Substitution drills

A:  It’s a nice hot day.  I can’t wait to __________. What about you?
B:  I’m going on a boat ride.  Will’s boat is ______________.
A:  It’s a new boat, but I guess he has to sail it _____________.

A:  Well, be careful then…
B:  You too, ___________!

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Hit the waves, Sooner or later, state of the art, Tricky.

Example:  My dad’s car is state of the art!

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