Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lesson 22. Thinking About Marriage

Key Expressions

Do you often think about
haven’t given it a thought
What’s gotten into your mind
getting rid of the rubbish


A:  Do you often think about getting married?
B:  Not really, only when I watch a beautiful love story on TV or in the movies.
/ I’ve never thought about that. / I don’t think about it very often.
A:  I haven’t given it a thought actually, until I saw my parents’ wedding pictures.
B:  Really?  What’s gotten into your mind that you looked at those pictures?
A:  Nothing.  I was just getting rid of the rubbish in our attic then I saw the wedding pictures.

Pronunciation drill

Getting married
Looked at
Rubbish in our attic

Substitution drills

A:  _________________ getting married?
B:  Not really, only when I watch a beautiful love story on TV or in the movies.
_____________________.  I don’t think about it very often.
A:  _____________ actually, until I saw my parents’ wedding pictures.
B:  Really?  _____________________ that you looked at those pictures?
A:  Nothing.  I was just _______in our attic then I saw the wedding pictures.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, haven’t given it a thought, Do you often think, getting rid of the rubbish

Example:  Do you often think about what your future will be?

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