Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lesson 16. Let’s Argue


Key expressions

I can’t believe you
Oh please! 
Here we go
I swear!
prove it


A:  I can’t believe you’re such a cheat!
B:  I didn’t do anything!
A:  Oh please!  I saw the two of you dating!
B:  She’s my officemate.
A:  Here we go, making fools of ourselves again!
B:  I swear! I wasn’t dating her!
A:  Well then, prove it.

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drills

_______________ you’re such a cheat!
A:  _________!  I saw the two of you dating!
B:  She’s my officemate.
A:  ____________, making fools of ourselves again!
B:  __________! I wasn’t dating her!
A:  Well then, __________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, I can’t believe you, Here we go, oh please!  I swear!, prove it.

Example:  Oh please!  Stop talking and finish your dinner!

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