Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lesson 19. Staying for Good

Key Expressions

coming to
staying with
he’s got (he has got)
well paying job
live here for good


A:  I heard your cousin from Turkey is coming to Korea and staying with you.
B:  Uh-uh. Actually, he’s got a really well paying job and his girlfriend lives here.
A:  He might live here for good then?
B:  Maybe.

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drills

A:  I heard your cousin from Turkey is coming to Korea and _______
__________ you.
B:  Uh-uh. Actually, he’s got a really _____________ and his girlfriend lives here.
A:  He might _____________ then?
B:  Maybe.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions,  staying with, well paying job, live here for good.

Example:  My parents are now staying with my sister and her family for a week’s vacation.

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