Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lesson 13: Negotiations

Key Expressions

Clear the air
Rocket science
Get it
Milked dry
Turn our back on


A:  A lot of people are upset over the tax increase.
B:  That’s why we need to clear the air so we could get it.
A:  It’s not really rocket science; we could understand it easily if we try.
B:  The workers feel that they’re being milked dry over this.
A:  I know; but we couldn’t just turn our backs on our obligation.
B:  You’re right; I just wish there was a better way…

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drills

We need to ___________ so we could _____.

It’s not really ___________; we could understand it easily if we try.

The workers feel that they’re being __________ over this.

I know; but we couldn’t just _____________ our obligation.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Clear the air.
Rocket science, Milked dry, turn their backs

Example: Real friends shouldn’t turn their backs on each other.

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