Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lesson 26: Not in the Mood


Key Expressions

come over
a couple of
smashing some aces
not in the mood
How does beer sound to you?
be a bum


A:  Do you want to come over to my house and watch a couple of movies?
B:  No, thank you.
A:  How about smashing some aces on court?
B:  No, thank you.  I’m not in the mood.
A:  Ok.  How does beer sound to you?
B:  Not right now. I feel like going home.  I want to stay in my room read books, and be a bum for the rest of the day.

Pronunciation drills

Come over

Substitution drills

Do you want to _______ to my house and watch __________ movies?

How about ____________ on court?

I’m not _________.

How does beer __________?

Not right now. I feel like going home.  I want to stay in my room read books, and ____________ for the rest of the day.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, a couple of,
smashing some aces, not in the mood, be a bum

I’m not in the mood to eat ice cream tonight.

Lesson 25: Crazy about Karaoke

Key Expressions

I’m free
Are you serious?
crazy over karaoke
thrice a week


A: Let’s go out on the weekend.
B: Okay, I’m free. What do you have in mind?
A: Let’s go to a karaoke bar!
B: Are you serious?
A: Why? Don’t you like singing?
B: No, I hate singing. How about you?
A: Very much. I’m crazy over karaoke that I have to go there at least thrice a week.
B: Really?

Pronunciation drills

Karaoke bar
Thrice a week

Substitution drills

A: Let’s go out on the weekend.
B: Okay, __________. What do you have in mind?
A: Let’s go to a karaoke bar!
B: Are you ___________?
A: Why? Don’t you like singing?
B: No, I hate singing. How about you?
A: Very much. I’m _______________ that I have to go there at least thrice a week.
B: Really?

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, thrice a week, Are you serious, crazy over karaoke.

Example: I visit my parents in the province thrice a week.

Lesson 24: Top of the World

Key Expression

have you noticed
What’s the matter?
He’s claiming that
on top of the world

A: Hey, have you noticed Carl lately?
B: Why? What’s the matter?
A: He’s acting a little hyper this week.
B: Yeah, I’ve noticed that.
A: He’s claiming that he’s on top of the world. I wonder what good thing had happened to him.

Pronunciation drills

Little hyper

Substitution drills
A: Hey, ___________ Carl lately?
B: Why? What’s __________?
A: He’s acting a little __________ this week.
B: Yeah, I’ve noticed that.
A: ________________ he’s on top of the world. I wonder what good thing had happened to him.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, have you noticed,
What’s the matter?, Hyper, He’s claiming that, on top of the world.

I feel like I’m on top of the world now because I passed the exam.

Lesson 23: Belonging to an Organization

Key Expressions

in need
belong to
do voluntary medical services
sign me in


A:  Hey Janet.  Do you want to join us?
B:  Where?
A:  In our organization.  We are in need of people now.
B:  What kind of organization do you belong to?
A:  The Red Cross.  We do voluntary medical services to people in need.
B:  That’s cool.  Okay, sign me in then.

Pronunciation drills

Do you want…
Medical services

Substitution drills

A:  Hey Janet.  Do you want to join us?
B:  Where?
A:  In our organization.  We are ___________ of people now.
B:  What kind of organization do you ________?
A:  The Red Cross.  We _______________ to people in need.
B:  That’s cool.  Okay, _____me _____ then.

Today’s Homework

 Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, in need, belong to
do voluntary medical services, sign me in.

Example:  My dad’s company is in need of a new operations manager, are you interested to apply?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lesson 22. Thinking About Marriage

Key Expressions

Do you often think about
haven’t given it a thought
What’s gotten into your mind
getting rid of the rubbish


A:  Do you often think about getting married?
B:  Not really, only when I watch a beautiful love story on TV or in the movies.
/ I’ve never thought about that. / I don’t think about it very often.
A:  I haven’t given it a thought actually, until I saw my parents’ wedding pictures.
B:  Really?  What’s gotten into your mind that you looked at those pictures?
A:  Nothing.  I was just getting rid of the rubbish in our attic then I saw the wedding pictures.

Pronunciation drill

Getting married
Looked at
Rubbish in our attic

Substitution drills

A:  _________________ getting married?
B:  Not really, only when I watch a beautiful love story on TV or in the movies.
_____________________.  I don’t think about it very often.
A:  _____________ actually, until I saw my parents’ wedding pictures.
B:  Really?  _____________________ that you looked at those pictures?
A:  Nothing.  I was just _______in our attic then I saw the wedding pictures.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, haven’t given it a thought, Do you often think, getting rid of the rubbish

Example:  Do you often think about what your future will be?

Lesson 21. Taking A Nap

Key Expressions

Did you just wake up?
I took a nap
Often take naps a day
I get up too early
Gets irritated
I snore!


A:  Susie, did you just wake up?  It’s already lunch time.
B:  No.  I woke up early this morning and after finishing the chores, I took a nap.
A:  Oh I see.  Do you often take naps.
B:  Yeah, especially when I get up too early in the morning.
A:  Don’t you feel dizzy whenever you take a nap too often a day?
B:  No, I don’t. But my mom gets irritated when I take naps because I snore!

Pronunciation drills

Lunch time
Woke up early

Substitution drills

A:  Susie, did you ____________?  It’s already lunch time.
B:  No.  I woke up early this morning and after finishing the _______, I took a nap.
A:  Oh I see.  Do you often ___________.
B:  Yeah, especially when I get up too early in the morning.
A:  Don’t you feel dizzy whenever you ___________ too often _____?
B:  No, I don’t. But my mom ___________ when I take naps because ________!

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, I took a nap, I get up too early, gets irritated, snore


I couldn’t get to sleep every night because my husband snores!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lesson 20. First Impression

Key Expressions

first impression
a little bit weird
strangely quiet


A: What’s your first impression of Jan?
B: I think she’s a little bit weird. 
A:  Why do you say so?
B:  She’s strangely quiet and looks so mysterious.
A:  Well, my first impression on her is that she’s unsociable because she is too shy.
B:  Hmmm…. Could be.

Pronunciation drills

First impression
Little bit

Substitution drills

A: What’s your ____________ of Jan?
B: I think she’s a __________. 
A:  Why do you say so?
B:  She’s ____________ and looks so ____________.
A:  Well, my first impression on her is that she’s _________ because she is too shy.
B:  Hmmm…. Could be.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, a little bit weird, strangely quiet, first impression,  mysterious,.

Example:  People always have the negative first impression on me.

Lesson 19. Staying for Good

Key Expressions

coming to
staying with
he’s got (he has got)
well paying job
live here for good


A:  I heard your cousin from Turkey is coming to Korea and staying with you.
B:  Uh-uh. Actually, he’s got a really well paying job and his girlfriend lives here.
A:  He might live here for good then?
B:  Maybe.

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drills

A:  I heard your cousin from Turkey is coming to Korea and _______
__________ you.
B:  Uh-uh. Actually, he’s got a really _____________ and his girlfriend lives here.
A:  He might _____________ then?
B:  Maybe.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions,  staying with, well paying job, live here for good.

Example:  My parents are now staying with my sister and her family for a week’s vacation.

Lesson 18. Blind Date

Key Expressions

blind date
How did it go?
It was so boring
I’m boring


A: I heard you had a blind date last Saturday. How did it go?
B: It was so boring because all he talked about was his work.
A: Really? So what else happened?
B: Nothing much. I hope he thinks I’m boring and wouldn’t call me again.

Pronunciation drills:
Wouldn’t call

Substitution drills

A: I heard you had a ___________ last Saturday. _________?
B: It __________ because all he talked about was his work.
A: Really? So what else happened?
B: Nothing much. I hope he thinks __________ and wouldn’t call me again.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, blind date, How did it go?,  boring.

Example:  They think I’m boring that’s why they don’t want to talk to me.

Lesson 17. Being Unfortunate


 Key Expressions

never get the chance
I’m hopeless
Time will come
It takes time


A:  I think I’ll never get the chance to be rich and famous.
B:  Why do you think so?
A:  Look, I have no job, no money, and no education.
I’m hopeless.
B:  Don’t be.  Time will come when you’ll be able to have everything.
      Just be patient.  It takes time to be successful.
A:  You think so?
B:  Definitely.  Trust me.

Pronunciation drills

Rich and famous

Substitution drills

A:  I think I’ll _____________________ to be rich and famous.
B:  Why do you think so?
A:  Look, I have no job, no money, and no education.
B:  Don’t be.  ___________ when you’ll be able to have everything.
      Just be patient.  ____________ to be successful.
A:  You think so?
B:  Definitely.  Trust me.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, never get the chance, it takes time, I’m hopeless, Time will come.

Example:  It takes time to let a wound heal.

Lesson 16. Let’s Argue


Key expressions

I can’t believe you
Oh please! 
Here we go
I swear!
prove it


A:  I can’t believe you’re such a cheat!
B:  I didn’t do anything!
A:  Oh please!  I saw the two of you dating!
B:  She’s my officemate.
A:  Here we go, making fools of ourselves again!
B:  I swear! I wasn’t dating her!
A:  Well then, prove it.

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drills

_______________ you’re such a cheat!
A:  _________!  I saw the two of you dating!
B:  She’s my officemate.
A:  ____________, making fools of ourselves again!
B:  __________! I wasn’t dating her!
A:  Well then, __________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, I can’t believe you, Here we go, oh please!  I swear!, prove it.

Example:  Oh please!  Stop talking and finish your dinner!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lesson 15: Ladies’ Man


Key Expressions

Hanging on every word
Got the knack
Whole string
Ladies’ man


A:  Look at Al over there. That girl is hanging on his every word.
B:  It's the same with every female he gets talking to.
A:  I know. He's got the knack of making them feel like they're the only thing in the whole world that matters to him.
B:  That's why he's got a whole string of girlfriends.
A:  How does he do it?
B:  I don't know. He's just a natural ladies' man, I suppose.

Pronunciation drills

Over there
Whole world

Substitution drills

Look at Al over there. That girl is __________ his __________.

He's __________ of making them feel like they're the only thing in the whole world that matters to him.

That's why he's got a ____________ of girlfriends.

I don't know. He's just a natural __________, I suppose.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Whole string, Hanging on every word, Got the knack, Ladies’ man.

Example:  I wonder how football players get a whole string of girlfriends in a week.

Lesson 14: Fans

Key Expressions

You’ll never guess
Man of your dreams
Far off
Just around the corner
Catch him
Green with envy


A:  You'll never guess what happened to me last Saturday.
B:  You found the man of your dreams?
A:  Oh, very funny, but you're not so far off. I got Matthew Perry’s autograph.
B:  You mean that really gorgeous looking actor in the comedy series on TV?
A:  Well, they were filming some scenes on location just around the corner from my apartment and I managed to catch him during a break.
B:  Oh, I'm green with envy. You’re so lucky.

Pronunciation drills

Gorgeous looking

Substitution drills

You'll never __________ happened to me last Saturday.

You found the ____________?

Oh, very funny, but you're not so __________.

Well, they were filming some scenes on location ______________
__________ from my apartment and I managed to _________ during a break.

Oh, I'm _____________. You’re so lucky.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Man of your dreams
Far off, Just around the corner, you’ll never guess

Example:  You’ll never guess what karma awaits you.

Lesson 13: Negotiations

Key Expressions

Clear the air
Rocket science
Get it
Milked dry
Turn our back on


A:  A lot of people are upset over the tax increase.
B:  That’s why we need to clear the air so we could get it.
A:  It’s not really rocket science; we could understand it easily if we try.
B:  The workers feel that they’re being milked dry over this.
A:  I know; but we couldn’t just turn our backs on our obligation.
B:  You’re right; I just wish there was a better way…

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drills

We need to ___________ so we could _____.

It’s not really ___________; we could understand it easily if we try.

The workers feel that they’re being __________ over this.

I know; but we couldn’t just _____________ our obligation.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Clear the air.
Rocket science, Milked dry, turn their backs

Example: Real friends shouldn’t turn their backs on each other.

Lesson 12: At the Beach

Key Expressions

Hit the waves
State of the art
Sooner or later
Take it easy


A:  It’s a nice hot day.  I can’t wait to hit the waves. What about you?
B:  I’m going on a boat ride.  Will’s boat is state of the art.
A:  It’s a new boat, but I guess he has to sail it sooner or later.
B:  Yes, and I heard sailing in this sea could be pretty tricky.
A:  Well, be careful then…
B:  You too, take it easy!

Pronunciation drills

Boat ride
Sooner or later
Take it easy

Substitution drills

A:  It’s a nice hot day.  I can’t wait to __________. What about you?
B:  I’m going on a boat ride.  Will’s boat is ______________.
A:  It’s a new boat, but I guess he has to sail it _____________.

A:  Well, be careful then…
B:  You too, ___________!

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Hit the waves, Sooner or later, state of the art, Tricky.

Example:  My dad’s car is state of the art!