Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lesson 47: Dining Out

Key Expressions

Where can I get a bite to eat?
Doggie bag
Split the bill


Aaron: Gosh, I’m so hungry. I have to eat now or I’ll faint. Hey, where can we get a bite to eat?
Brian: Why don’t we go to the new restaurant just across the street?
Aaron: Sure, let’s go quickly!

Aaron: (Burp!) I’m so full. I can’t get up.
Brian: Me too, and we still have lot to eat.
Aaron: I thought we would be able to finish all these food.
Brian: Let’s just have the food in a doggie bag.
Aaron: Okay, let’s just eat the food at the office later.

Aaron: Uh oh, I’m a little short on cash.
Brian: Let’s split the bill then so you can just pay for what you ordered.
Aaron: Okay, here’s my money…

Pronunciation drills

Doggie bag

Substitution drills

Gosh, I’m so hungry. I have to eat now or I’ll faint. Hey, ____

Let’s just have the food in a ___________.

Let’s _____________ then so you can just pay for what you ordered.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Where can I get a bite to eat? , Doggie bag, Split the bill.

Example:  I suggest we split the bill to be fair with everybody.

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