Monday, October 11, 2010

Lesson 34: Finding a Gift

Key Expressions

I wasn’t sure if I could afford it.
Nice to know that.
Good choice.


A: Can I help you, sir?
B: I’m looking for something I can give to my sister, it’s her birthday tomorrow. She loves jewelry. But I’m not sure if I could afford it.
A: What about this necklace? It’s only two, ninety nine. You’ll find that a lot of jewelry here are affordable.
B: Well. It’s nice to know that. I’ll take the necklace.

A: Good choice. I’m sure your sister will love it.
B: Okay. Thanks.

Pronunciation Drills

Looking for

Substitution drill

A: Can I help you, sir?
B: I’m looking for something I can give to my sister, it’s her birthday tomorrow. She loves jewelry. But ____________________________.

A: What about this necklace? It’s only two, ninety nine. You’ll find that a lot of jewelry here are _________
B: Well. It’s ________________. I’ll take the necklace.

A: ________________. I’m sure your sister will love it.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, I wasn’t sure if I could afford it, Nice to know that, Good choice.

You really made a good choice when you picked Brent to be your date on prom night.

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