Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lesson 37. Envious

Key Expressions

Long time, no see!
How’s everything going?
Oh man, I really envy you


A: Hi, long time, no see!
B: Yeah! How’s everything going?
A: Great!
B: I heard you’re going out with Anne.
A: Where did you get that idea?
B: Come on. Anne is a very nice girl.
A: Your right.
B: Oh man, I really envy you for finding such a girl.

Pronunciation drill

Long time

Substitution drills

Hi, _________, no see!

Yeah! How’s _________________?

I ___________ for finding such a girl.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Long time, no see!
How’s everything going? , Oh man, I really envy you.

Example:  Oh man you’re so lucky.  I really envy you for having all the fame in this world!

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