Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lesson 48: I Need a Doctor

Key Expressions:

My ____ is killing me
A runny nose
Coming down with something


A. Doc, you have to see me right now. My chest is killing me!
B. Oh my god, you may be having a heart attack. You need an ambulance! Hold on, I’m sending one for you!

Max:  Dave, what’s wrong? You look terrible?
Dave: Hey there Max. I feel so tired today and my back hurts. Plus, I’ve got a runny nose.
Max: Uh oh, you may be coming down with the flu. Why don’t you take the day off? You have to rest, my friend.
Dave: Thanks for understanding, Max.

Pronunciation drill

Right now
Heart attack
What’s wrong?
Look terrible

Substitution drill

A. Doc, you have to see me right now. My ___________ me!

I feel so tired today and my back hurts. Plus, I’ve got a __________.

You maybe ________________. Why don’t you take the day off? You have to rest, my friend.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, My ____ is killing me
A runny nose, Coming down with something.

Example: My ulcer is killing me, could you take me to the doctor?

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