Monday, October 11, 2010

Lesson 33. Visa rights

Key Expressions

You wanted to see me?
Class was really boring.
Am I in big trouble?


A: You wanted to see me?
B: Yes, we need to talk.
A: About what?
B: Your attendance, your lack of attendance.
A: Am I in big trouble?
B: Of course! You’re here on a student visa right?
A: And so?
B: If you don’t attend class regularly, you won’t be a full time student which your visa requires. You’ll be out of status.
A: Okay. I’ll report on Monday even if the class is boring.

Pronunciation drills

Student visa

Substitution Drills

You _________?
Yes, we need to talk.

Am I in _____________?

I’ll report on Monday even if the class ___________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, You wanted to see me?, really boring, Am I in big trouble?

Example:  Class was really boring that I had fallen asleep.

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