Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lesson 44. Talking about Abilities

Key Expressions
My best friend is an artist
One of his drawings won a blue ribbon
He is so talented.


A: My best friend is an artist. He's really good at painting.
B: Really?
A: In fact, one of his drawings won a blue ribbon at the county fair.
B: I wish I was like him.
A: He also knows how to do sculpture and ceramics.
B: He is so talented.

Pronunciation drills

Blue ribbon
Sculpture and ceramics

Substitution drills

My ______ is an ___________ He's really good at painting.

One of his drawings won ___________ at the county fair.

He is so ___________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, My best friend is an artist, One of his drawings won a blue ribbon, He is so talented.

My best friend is an artist who will have an exhibit next week.

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