Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lesson 30: Black eye

Key Expressions

black eye
knocked you out
blurting out the negatives
get even


A:  Jimmy what happened to your eyes?
B:  I’ve got a black eye.
A:  Who knocked you out?
B: Somebody overheard me blurting out the negatives about their family.
A:  I’m sorry to hear that.
B:  I’ll get even next time I see him.

Pronunciation drills

Black eye

Substitution drills

I’ve got a ___________.

Who ___________ out?

Somebody _________ me _____________ about their family.

I’ll _________ next time I see him.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, black eye, knocked you out, blurting out the negatives, get even.

Example:  I overheard from the other department that our boss will be terminated.

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