Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lesson 47: Dining Out

Key Expressions

Where can I get a bite to eat?
Doggie bag
Split the bill


Aaron: Gosh, I’m so hungry. I have to eat now or I’ll faint. Hey, where can we get a bite to eat?
Brian: Why don’t we go to the new restaurant just across the street?
Aaron: Sure, let’s go quickly!

Aaron: (Burp!) I’m so full. I can’t get up.
Brian: Me too, and we still have lot to eat.
Aaron: I thought we would be able to finish all these food.
Brian: Let’s just have the food in a doggie bag.
Aaron: Okay, let’s just eat the food at the office later.

Aaron: Uh oh, I’m a little short on cash.
Brian: Let’s split the bill then so you can just pay for what you ordered.
Aaron: Okay, here’s my money…

Pronunciation drills

Doggie bag

Substitution drills

Gosh, I’m so hungry. I have to eat now or I’ll faint. Hey, ____

Let’s just have the food in a ___________.

Let’s _____________ then so you can just pay for what you ordered.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Where can I get a bite to eat? , Doggie bag, Split the bill.

Example:  I suggest we split the bill to be fair with everybody.

Lesson 46: Elaborating

Key Expressions

Allow me to explain/elaborate
For example/For instance
To give you an example/Let me give you an example


James: Hey Kenny, do you think I should stop drinking?
Kenny: Well drinking alcohol has good and bad effects. If you drink moderately, then alcohol would be good for you.
James: What exactly do you mean?
Kenny: Allow me to explain. Alcohol can help unclog your arteries of fat deposits.
James: Is that a good thing?
Kenny: Of course it is! For instance, if you have no fat deposits in your arteries, you would have fewer chances in developing heart disease.
James: Hey, then I should drink alcohol.
Kenny: Yes, but drink moderately, okay?

Pronunciation drills

Should stop drinking

Substitution drills

James: Hey Kenny, do you think I should stop drinking?

Kenny: Well drinking alcohol has good and bad effects. If you drink moderately, then alcohol would be good for you.

James: What exactly do you mean?
Kenny: ____________. Alcohol can help unclog your arteries of fat deposits.

James: Is that a good thing?

Kenny: Of course it is! ____________, if you have no fat deposits in your arteries, you would have fewer chances in developing heart disease.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Allow me to explain/elaborate, For example/For instance, To give you an example/Let me give you an example.

Example:  Let me give you an example of a mammal.  A Whale.

Lesson 45. Discussions

Key Expressions

Sounds good.
Let’s get started.
We still need to discuss


A: Frank, what do you think about this plan?
B: Well, sounds good to me.
A: But we still need to discuss about their salary.
B: Yeah I know. Let’s get started.
A: We have two options. But we have to consult first our manager about that.
B: Okay, so let’s just wait for him.

Pronunciation drills

Sounds good

Substitution drills

Well, Frank’s plan _____________ to me.

We still ____________ about their salary.

Let’s __________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Sounds good, Let’s get started, We still need to discuss.

Lesson 44. Talking about Abilities

Key Expressions
My best friend is an artist
One of his drawings won a blue ribbon
He is so talented.


A: My best friend is an artist. He's really good at painting.
B: Really?
A: In fact, one of his drawings won a blue ribbon at the county fair.
B: I wish I was like him.
A: He also knows how to do sculpture and ceramics.
B: He is so talented.

Pronunciation drills

Blue ribbon
Sculpture and ceramics

Substitution drills

My ______ is an ___________ He's really good at painting.

One of his drawings won ___________ at the county fair.

He is so ___________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, My best friend is an artist, One of his drawings won a blue ribbon, He is so talented.

My best friend is an artist who will have an exhibit next week.

Lesson 43. Encouraging Words

Key Expressions

You can do it!
Do the best you can.


A: What are you doing? It’s already late.
B: I’m still studying for my examination tomorrow.
A: You can do it!
B: You think so? I heard that it’s really hard and very few can only pass the exam.
A: Do the best you can.
B: Thanks.

Pronunciation drills

Already late
Very few

Substitution drills

A: What are you doing? It’s already late.
B: I’m still studying for my examination tomorrow.
A: You __________!
B: You think so? I heard that it’s really hard and very few can only pass the exam.
A: Do the _____________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, You can do it! ,
Do the best you can.

Example:  Do the best you can in whatever you do so you’ll be successful.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lesson 42. Dating

Key expressions

To be frank, I really love him to death.
You're so lucky!
He's head over heels in love with you.


A:  I heard you're dating James.
B: Yes. To be frank, I really love him to death.
A: You're so lucky!
B:  Why do you say that?
A: Well, it's not a compliment. I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart! It's obvious that he's head over heels in love with you.
B: I sure hope so.

Pronunciation drills

Head over heels

Substitution drills
To ___________, I really ____________.

You're __________!

I'm saying this from ____________!

It's obvious that he's _________________with you.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, To be frank, I really love him to death, You're so lucky! He's head over heels in love with you.

Example:  You’re so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

Lesson 41: Contrasting

Key Expressions

Correct me if I’m wrong, but…
On the other hand
You may be right, but…


A: Correct me if I’m wrong but I think her suggestion was not good.
B: Yeah I think so.
A: But on the other hand, she has a point.
B: You may be right, but we have to work faster so we won’t miss the deadline.

Pronunciation drills

I’m wrong
I think
Work faster

Substitution drills

Correct _____________ but I think her suggestion was not good.

But ______________, she has a point.

You __________, but we have to work faster so we won’t miss the deadline.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Correct me if I’m wrong, but…, On the other hand, You may be right, but…

Example:  Correct me if I’m wrong but I think we have to turn the deal down to avoid risking the company’s profit.

Lesson 40. Exploring options

Key Expressions

What do you think about her plan?
How about the other alternatives?
Let’s consider Annie’s decision.


A: Are you willing to give Marvin a surprise party?
B: I don’t know. Maybe you can ask Diane.
A: What do you think about Annie’s plan?
B: It’s nice but I think that’s so expensive and we only have 2 days to prepare.
A: How about the other alternatives?
B: I don’t have any ideas.
A: Maybe let’s just consider Annie’s decision.

Pronunciation drills

Willing to give
Surprise party

Substitution drills

____________ about Annie’s plan?

How about _______________?

Maybe ____________ Annie’s decision.

Today’s Homework:

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, What do you think about her plan? , How about the other alternatives? , Let’s consider Annie’s decision.
Example:  What do you think about her plan, will it work?

Lesson 39. Such a Chicken

Key Expressions

Don’t be such a chicken
You've got to take a chance!
I'd totally die if she turned me down.


A: Hey, John, is Jenny coming with us?
B: Yes. Why?
A: Nothing. I'm just asking.
B: Come on, Richard, don't be such a chicken. If you like her, you've got to tell her. Maybe she likes you.
A: I'd totally die if she turned me down.
B: But that's better than keeping everything to your self. You've got to let her know. Come on! You've got to take a chance!
A: I don't know....Well, maybe, you're right, but how am I going to tell her?

Pronunciation drill


Substitution drills

Come on, Richard, don't _______________. If you like her, you've got to tell her. Maybe she likes you.
I'd ________________.

Why is your face so red? , Who has a crush? I'd ________________

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, so down!,
Come on, I'd totally die if she turned me down.

Example:  You look so down, cheer up!

Lesson 38: Just Broke Up

Key Expressions

so down
just broke up
Come on.
There's plenty of fish out there!


A:  Hi, how have you been?
B:  Not very well.
A: Come on. For a man who's so down, there're usually two reasons. Either his career is going downhill, or he has a broken heart.
B: Well, you're right. I just broke up with Amy.
A: Well, it's always difficult to choose between your career and your love life. And I don't know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! There're plenty of fish out there!
B: Yeah, but it's hard to forget her at the moment.

Pronunciation drills

Broken heart
Love life

Substitution drills

________. For a man who's so down, there're usually two reasons.

It's always difficult to choose between your career and your love life. And I don't know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! There're __________________!

Today’s Homework:

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, You look so down!,
Come on, There's plenty of fish out there!

You tell me you’re broke? Come on! You’re a goldmine!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lesson 37. Envious

Key Expressions

Long time, no see!
How’s everything going?
Oh man, I really envy you


A: Hi, long time, no see!
B: Yeah! How’s everything going?
A: Great!
B: I heard you’re going out with Anne.
A: Where did you get that idea?
B: Come on. Anne is a very nice girl.
A: Your right.
B: Oh man, I really envy you for finding such a girl.

Pronunciation drill

Long time

Substitution drills

Hi, _________, no see!

Yeah! How’s _________________?

I ___________ for finding such a girl.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Long time, no see!
How’s everything going? , Oh man, I really envy you.

Example:  Oh man you’re so lucky.  I really envy you for having all the fame in this world!

Lesson 36. Ordering Lunch

Key Expressions

Sign says to wait to be seated.
That sounds good to me
Will this table be all right?


A: Let’s try the new restaurant across the street.
B: That sounds good to me.
A: Here we are. But the sign says “wait to be seated.”
C: Good afternoon. How many are you?
B: Table for two please.
C: Right this way. Will this table be all right?
B: Yes. Two hamburgers and a Caesar’s salad, please.
C: Will that be all?
A: And 2 glasses of iced tea. Please bring us the check when you return with our food. We’re pressed for time.
C: Yes, sir.

Pronunciation drills

Right this way

Substitution drills

Let’s try the new restaurant _________he street.
That ____________ to me.

Here we are. But the sign says “___________.”

Will this table __________?

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Sign says to wait to be seated, That sounds good to me, Will this table be all right?

Will this table be alright for all eight of us?

Lesson 35. Going to a party

Key Expressions:

Can you make it?
Just yourself.
I’ll be there with bells on.


M: Hello Andy. It’s Marge. I just received the invitation to your party.
A: Could you make it?
M: Well, it’s on Saturday right?
A: I hope you could come.
M: Could I bring anything?
A: Just yourself.
M: Ok, I’ll be there with bells on. I’m looking forward to it.
A: Thanks. Bye.
M: See you then.

Pronunciation drills

Looking forward

Substitution drill

M: Hello Andy. It’s Marge. I just received the invitation to your party.
A: ____________ make it?

M: Could I bring anything?
A: Just ____________.
M: Ok, I’ll be ____________________. I’m looking forward to it.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Can you make it? , Just yourself, I’ll be there with bells on.

Example:  Can you make it on Saturday for my birthday party?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lesson 34: Finding a Gift

Key Expressions

I wasn’t sure if I could afford it.
Nice to know that.
Good choice.


A: Can I help you, sir?
B: I’m looking for something I can give to my sister, it’s her birthday tomorrow. She loves jewelry. But I’m not sure if I could afford it.
A: What about this necklace? It’s only two, ninety nine. You’ll find that a lot of jewelry here are affordable.
B: Well. It’s nice to know that. I’ll take the necklace.

A: Good choice. I’m sure your sister will love it.
B: Okay. Thanks.

Pronunciation Drills

Looking for

Substitution drill

A: Can I help you, sir?
B: I’m looking for something I can give to my sister, it’s her birthday tomorrow. She loves jewelry. But ____________________________.

A: What about this necklace? It’s only two, ninety nine. You’ll find that a lot of jewelry here are _________
B: Well. It’s ________________. I’ll take the necklace.

A: ________________. I’m sure your sister will love it.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, I wasn’t sure if I could afford it, Nice to know that, Good choice.

You really made a good choice when you picked Brent to be your date on prom night.

Lesson 33. Visa rights

Key Expressions

You wanted to see me?
Class was really boring.
Am I in big trouble?


A: You wanted to see me?
B: Yes, we need to talk.
A: About what?
B: Your attendance, your lack of attendance.
A: Am I in big trouble?
B: Of course! You’re here on a student visa right?
A: And so?
B: If you don’t attend class regularly, you won’t be a full time student which your visa requires. You’ll be out of status.
A: Okay. I’ll report on Monday even if the class is boring.

Pronunciation drills

Student visa

Substitution Drills

You _________?
Yes, we need to talk.

Am I in _____________?

I’ll report on Monday even if the class ___________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, You wanted to see me?, really boring, Am I in big trouble?

Example:  Class was really boring that I had fallen asleep.

Lesson 32: Opinions

Key Expressions

Could you elaborate?
I don’t think
In my opinion


A: I heard that people from the United States are talking about placing a billboard in the outer space.
B: Could you elaborate?
A: They say that they want to place some billboards as big as the moon so that we can see them even without the use of a telescope.
B: But how will they do that?
A: I don’t know. I don’t think it is really possible because it will cost a lot of money and effort.
B: In my opinion, I’m against it because it could block the sunlight.

Pronunciation drills


Substitution drill

Could you ___________?

I _____________ it is really possible because it will cost a lot of money and effort.

In ___________, I’m against it because it could block the sunlight.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Could you elaborate?
I don’t think, In my opinion.

Example:  Could you elaborate the topic I didn’t quite get it?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lesson 31. At The Library

Key Expressions

Can I help you?
May I see your syllabus?
On reserve


L: Can I help you?
S: I’m confused. According to the syllabus, the book is in the library, but I haven’t been able to find it.
L: May I see your syllabus?
S: Yes, here it is.
L: Your professor has placed this book on reserve. That means you cannot find it on the shelves. You need to go to the reserve room down the hall and to the left.
S: What do you mean by “on reserve”?
L: Your professor wants every one to read the chapter. If one of your classmates gets the book, it is likely that none of you will have the opportunity to read it. So he insured that all of the students in your class will read it by placing it on reserve.

Pronunciation drills

Substitution drills

 Can I _____________?

May I see your _____________?

Your professor has placed this book on ____________.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Can I help you? ,
May I see your syllabus?, On reserve.

Example:  The room we planned to rent for the night is already on reserve.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lesson 30: Black eye

Key Expressions

black eye
knocked you out
blurting out the negatives
get even


A:  Jimmy what happened to your eyes?
B:  I’ve got a black eye.
A:  Who knocked you out?
B: Somebody overheard me blurting out the negatives about their family.
A:  I’m sorry to hear that.
B:  I’ll get even next time I see him.

Pronunciation drills

Black eye

Substitution drills

I’ve got a ___________.

Who ___________ out?

Somebody _________ me _____________ about their family.

I’ll _________ next time I see him.

Today’s Homework

Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, black eye, knocked you out, blurting out the negatives, get even.

Example:  I overheard from the other department that our boss will be terminated.