Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lesson 52: Party Invitation

Key Expressions

Could you make it?
I’m looking forward to it
See you then
Tag along
It would be my pleasure


Max: Hello Kyle. It's Max. I just received the invitation to your stag party.
Kyle: Could you make it?
Max: Well, let's see. It's next Friday night, 9:00 pm, at 201 Liberty Lane, Champaign, right?
Kyle: That's right. I hope you could tag along another friend.
Max: It would be my pleasure.
Kyle: I'm looking forward seeing you there. Thanks.
Max: Bye.
Kyle: See you then.

Pronunciation drills

Stag party
Tag along

Substitution drills

Max: Hello Kyle. It's Max. I just received the invitation to your stag party.
Kyle: ________ make it?
Max: Well, let's see. It's next Friday night, 9:00 pm, at 201 Liberty Lane, Champaign, right?
Kyle: That's right. I hope you could tag along another friend.
Max: It would be ___________.
Kyle: I'm ___________ seeing you there. Thanks.
Max: Bye.
Kyle: __________ then.

Today’s Homework:
Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Could you make it?
I’m looking forward to it, See you then, It would be my pleasure.

Example:  The girls will tag along with their partners going to the camp.

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