Monday, November 15, 2010

Lesson 51: Gossip

Key Expressions

I won’t tell a single soul.
Have you heard the latest?
Don't keep me in suspense!!!
Sleep your way to the top.


F: Can you keep a secret?
S: Well of course. You know me.
F: Promise not to tell anyone?
S: I wont' tell a single soul.
F: Well, I've just seen Morgan’s appointment letter as the new division chief.
S: Oh, my god! That’s what happens when you sleep your way to the top.

T: Have you heard the latest?
N: Do you mean about Eric being demoted?
T: No, that's old news. It's about Fred.
N: Oh, I haven't heard anything about him. Come on. Don’t keep me in suspense.
T: Well, he's just gone into the hospital for a tummy tuck.
N: I'm not surprised. He's been looking slimmer these days.

Pronunciation drills

Of course
In suspense
Looking slimmer

Substitution drill

I promise not to tell anyone. I wont' tell ___________.

Oh, my god! That’s what happens when you __________________.

___________ the latest?
Oh, I haven't heard anything. Come on. Don’t _______________.

Today’s Homework:
Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, I won’t tell a single soul, Have you heard the latest? , Don't keep me in suspense!!!  , Sleep your way to the top.

Example:  I promised my best friend that I won’t tell a single soul about her secret.

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