Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lesson 56: Nightlife

Key Expressions

The night is still young
During the wee hours


Zander: This club sucks. Why don’t we go hit another one?
Warren: I agree. We’re just wasting our time here. Let’s get moving.
Zander: Come on, the night is still young. Let’s look for a better club.

A: Look at this city. It’s still alive even during the wee hours! I bet there are a lot of bars and clubs where we can meet new people.
B: You got that right. So where do you want go first?
A: My officemates say there are some good ones across the block.
B: Great, let’s get going!

Pronunciation drill

Let’s look
Bars and clubs

Substitution drills

Zander: This club sucks. Why don’t we go hit another one?
Warren: I agree. We’re just wasting our time here. Let’s get moving.
Zander: Come on, the _____________. Let’s look for a better club.

Look at this city. It’s still alive even ______________! I bet there are a lot of bars and clubs where we can meet new people.

Today’s Homework:
Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, The night is still young.
During the wee hours.

Example:  The night is still young we could still grab some beer!

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