Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lesson 50: Ability and Proficiency

Key Expressions:

Cut out for
Get the hang of things
Long face
To have what it takes


Darren: Boss, I have to resign from my post.
CEO: What?! What made you say that?
Darren: I really can’t deal with the pressures of working in a law firm. Maybe I’m not just cut out for this job.
CEO: Darren, I understand where you’re coming from. You’re new and you’re young. It’s really difficult in the beginning, but you’ll get the hang of things as you grow with this company. You have a lot of potential, you know.
Darren: I know boss, but…

Harry: What’s wrong? What’s with the long face?
Tom: I’m not doing so well in the basketball varsity. I don’t think I have what it takes to be a varsity player.
Harry: Come on man, you’re just getting a little rusty. You just need to get more practice.
Tom: Thanks Harry. You really are a good friend.

Pronunciation drills:

Pressures of working
Law firm

Substitution drill:

I really can’t deal with the pressures of working in a law firm. Maybe I’m not just _________________ job.

I understand where you’re coming from. You’re new and you’re young. It’s really difficult in the beginning, but you’ll _________
________________ as you grow with this company. You have a lot of potential, you know.

What’s wrong? What’s with the ___________?

I’m not doing so well in the basketball varsity. I don’t think I ____________ to be a varsity player.

Come on man, you’re just getting a little __________. You just need to get more practice.

Today’s Homework:
Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Cut out for
Get the hang of things, Long face, To have what it takes, rusty

Example:  Sorry, but I can’t help you solve that math problems, I’m a little rusty with numbers already.

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