Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lesson 6: Sunny Disposition

Key Expressions

Really sweet
Just turned __
Other’s company
Sunny disposition


A:  Your sister's little girl is really sweet. How old is she?
B:  Chloe has just turned four.
A:  She played so well with the other children.
B:  She did, didn't she? She's always enjoyed other kids' company.
A:  And she was always smiling and laughing.
B:  Yes, she has a really sunny disposition, just like me.

Pronunciation drills

Little girl

Substitution drills

Your sister's little girl is _____________.
Chloe has ___________ four.
She's always enjoyed ____________.
She has a really ____________.
Today’s home work

Construct your own sentences using the Key expressions, Really sweet,
just turned, Sunny disposition.

Example:  I had just turned eighteen last week.

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