Monday, August 23, 2010

Lesson 5: Pranks

Key Expressions

Word of warning
Playing pranks
Screaming her head off


A:  Before we go in, just a word of warning about my younger brother.
B:  Oh, is there something wrong with him?
A:  Oh no, don't worry. It's just that he loves playing pranks on people.
B:  What sort of pranks?
A:  Well yesterday, for example, he put a big toy spider on the toilet seat and my little sister ran out screaming her head off when she saw it.
B:  So he’s a bit of a joker.
A:  He certainly is.  So just be prepared, okay?

Pronunciation drills

Loves playing pranks
Little sister
Ran out
Don’t worry

Substitution drills

Before we go in, just a _________ about my younger brother.

Oh no, ___________. It's just that he loves playing pranks on people.

He put a big toy spider on the toilet seat and my little sister ________________________ when she saw it.

Today’s homework

Construct your own sentences using the Key Expressions, Warning, pranks,  Don’t worry.

Example:  Somebody was playing pranks on the phone so I cut the line out.


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