Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lesson 1: Co-workers

Key Expressions

I am upset
Part-time job
I have to admit
I couldn’t help it


A:  I am upset.  Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.
B:  And he doesn’t like that?
A:  No, he doesn’t.  He thinks that I’m too tired to work.
B:  I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.
A:  You told him? Why?
B:  I couldn’t help it. He asked me point-blank.


Doesn’t like

Substitution drills

___________.  Somebody told my boss I have a ________________.

I am sorry. ____________ I told him.

I _____________. He asked me point-blank.

Today’s Homework:

Construct your own sentences using the key Expressions, I am upset,
I have to admit, part time job, Point-blank.

Example:  I’m always late for class because of my part-time job.

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