Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lesson 2: Boastful Person

Key Expressions

Mr. Smarty pants
I’ll bet
Shooting his mouth off
Some kind of


A:  Oh no. Here comes Mark, Mr. Smarty pants.
B:  I’ll bet he’s going to tell us about how to fix my car.
A:  I’m sure you’re right. He’s always shooting his mouth off about all the things he can do.
B:  Yeah, whether its cell phones, motorcycles or cars, he always boasts that he can fix them.
A:  He thinks he’s some kind of technical genius.
B:  Well I don’t need a genius to fix this car.  It’ll only take me ten minutes.


Mr. Smarty pants
Cell phones

Substitution drills

Oh no. Here comes Mark, ___________.

______ he’s going to tell us about how to fix my car.

He thinks he’s __________ technical genius.

I’m sure you’re right. He’s always ____________ about all the things he can do.

Today’s Homework

Construct your own sentences using the Key expressions, Mr. Smarty pants, I’ll bet, shooting his mouth off

Example: He’s always shooting his mouth off about all the expensive things he has. 

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