Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lesson 59: Casanova?

Key Expressions:

Notch on his bedpost


A: Hey look, John’s got another girl.
B: It’s another trophy for him.
A: Poor girl. Well, that’s another notch on his bedpost.
B: Is he some kind of Casanova or something?
A: A playboy more like it.
B: You got that right.

Pronunciation drill:


Substitution drill:

It’s another _________ for him.
Poor girl. Well, that’s another notch on his _________.

Is he some kind of Casanova or something?
A ___________ more like it.

Today’s Homework:
Construct sentences using the Key Expressions, Trophy, Notch on his bedpost, Playboy, trophy

Example:  My day always tell me I’m his precious trophy.

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